Choosing the best travel blogging apps in 2020

Getting the right mobile apps for travel blogging can help make your work more fun. From booking flights to catching a taxi to editing your videos, travel bloggers need apps that are safe to use and also complement their creating efforts. These are the categories to consider when building a list of travel apps.

Blogging app

A travel blogger needs an app that makes it possible to update followers on the regular. While Twitter and Instagram are easy to use and easy to build followers, getting your own blog gives you more control over how you present your content. Most if not all blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger have mobile versions so you can blog on the go. While there are free versions, getting a payment plan allows you to use the best website themes for travel blogging.

Travel diary

There are some parts of your travel that you don’t want to share with the public just yet. Instead, you can keep them in a dedicated travel diary that helps you keep a record of your travel and photos while tagging them to geographic locations to create a virtual trail.

Examples include Day One, Trevi, TravelPod, and TripMayor.

Travel planning app

One of the most important travel app for travel blogging is a travel planner. TripIt and TripCase, for example, will let you keep track of all your bookings confirmations in one place.

Other travel planning apps like Roadtrippers let you find amazing places to visit in any location, thereby enriching your travel experience. A travel planning app is important for all remote workers who move about.

Navigation app

A good mobile navigation app makes it easy to move around. Whether you are a cyclist or rely on public transport, a map app is indispensable as it gives you prior information about traffic conditions. A navigation app can also give you restaurant and local business recommendations based on your location.

Google Maps is many people’s preferred option.

Ride-hailing app

Ride-hailing apps make you commute cheaper and faster. You can’t be a travel blogger by sitting in your apartment. You need to explore interesting cities and towns to create a beautiful experience for your followers. While Uber and Lyft are popular worldwide, take local options into consideration before making a choice.

Where possible, you can even order a scooter or bicycle to make your journey even more immersive.

Flight ticketing app

Unless you are flying on your own private jet, make sure you are not limited to a single airline’s services. Flight ticketing apps make it easy to fish around for the best flight tickets for your destination. They provide many options for the same flight destination so you can make your own choice.

There are a few apps out there that integrate flights, car hires, and accommodation for the convenience of the regular traveler. Skyscanner is one such. Others include Cheap Flights Worldwide, eSky, etc. No matter where you are headed, this must be on your list of travel apps.

Room reservation app

Hotels are expensive and hostels are cheaper. Unless you intent to sleep in an airport, you should consider a room reservation app that lets you find affordable accommodation wherever you go.

Airbnb has become the de facto choice for many travellers. Otherwise, Trivago,, and many others offer similar services depending on your taste and preferences as a travel blogger.

Translator app

The best translator apps for travel bloggers help you communicate with natives. Some real time features in Google Translate, for example, translate and read back your conversation in Spanish. Others are built to help you pick up a few phrases, while some take it a step further by letting you communicate with native speakers to improve your speakign skills.

Currency converter app

Currency converters help travel bloggers convert local currencies into dollar-pound equivalents. You will be able to know exactly how much you are spending on hotel, meals by instantly converting the price to your home currency.

One of the most popular currency converters is XE Currency Converter.

Money app

Money apps include banking and money transfer apps like TransferWise. Other services like Stripe and PayPal as well as mobile money offers in some African and Asian countries can come in handy when making purchases or accepting payments. Research ahead of time before deciding which one to add to your list of travel apps.

Email app

The right email app can make it easy to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients. Unlike chatting apps, email apps provide more functionality including scheduled send features when combined with the right extensions. Online storage that come with emails let travel bloggers save documents, photos, and videos for when they are needed.

Social media sharing app

Social media is important for travel bloggers. Sharing to individual pages from your travel blog can prove a waste of time when there are many platforms that automate the process. Travel bloggers who host their sites can make use of services like Hootsuite or Buffer. Each has a free plan with extra services coming at extra costs.

Internet app

Pictures and videos of your travel can eat up a lot of expensive data. Downloading an app dedicated to capping or monitoring your internet data use can help save money as a travel blogger. This is important in places your data bundle subscription doesn’t work.

WiFi app

WiFi map allows you to find WiFi hotspots around the world. Make sure you have a security software on your phone before logging into a public hotspot to protect your data from third-party access. As travel apps go, WiFi Finder can be a lifesaver.

VPN app

Not every online content is available in every region of the world. For travel bloggers looking to enjoy all the online services they get in their home country, a VPN helps you do that. In addition to creating a virtual link to your home country (or any location of your choice), VPNs provide a layer of protection from cyber-criminals.

Reader app

Kindle. Kobo books. Pocket book. These are some of the reader apps that travel bloggers can use to spend their leisure time. Travelling opens you up to beautiful experiences, while reading opens your mind. A reader who happens to be a traveller will enjoy experiences like none other. You should definitely add one to your list of must-have travel apps.

Video-sharing app

Video-sharing apps let you share your experience as a travel blogger with a wider audience. When done right, it is possible to monetize your content on platforms like Facebook and YouTube. It is also possible to gain inspiration from other creators by watching their videos.

Video editing app

Video editing apps make it possible to create better stories on the go. Whether it’s a mashup video or a time lapse video of your time at the airport, apps like Filmora, KineMaster, and Filmmaker can add a lot of life to your travel blog.

Photo editing app

If you wish to doodle, change contrasts and remove backgrounds in your images, you would need a photo editing app. Apps like Pixaloop allow you to add animation to a still image, while a Lightroom and Snapseed offer a wide array of options for editing your photo. Some integrate easily into your smartphone camera for easy use. While not traditional travel apps, they are an important tool for any travel blogger.

What are your favourite travel apps?

How to choose the best remote work apps for 2020

Choosing the best apps for remote work can be a headache for many. While experienced freelancers can make easy choices, newbies can be spoilt for choice. Depending on the work you do, these are the types of mobile apps to consider for working from home.

Communication app

Email can take too much time and effort. For workers looking to communicate in real time, apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams. These apps create a professional virtual environment that is free from the clutter of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Video conference app

If your work involves speaking directly to clients, then you will need a video-conferencing app. There are many free options available these days, and they come with a ton of features. Zoom and Skype are popular teleconference apps. If you need one for casual work, then WhatsApp, FaceTime, and Messenger are easy to use. Google Teams doesn’t even require a download or account to use.

Email app

Email is the grease that oils your business relationships. When choosing an email service, consider whether you want features like scheduling. While many like Gmail and Yahoo are free, there are paid options in each that provide an ad-free interface or add more features to your inbox. There are premium email services out there as well, for those looking for more features.

Word processor app

There is only so much that an in-built notepad can help you while working from home. To create more elaborate documents, it is important to choose the right word processor. Microsoft Word is the most popular. Meanwhile, Google Docs make it easy to perform similar functions without downloading any file. If you work with spreadsheets and prepare presentations, both Microsoft and Google offer alternatives.

Taking notes

Note-taking apps allow you to collect your thoughts in an orderly manner. Depending on what features you need, you can have an app that integrates with other popular apps you use. Telecommuting doesn’t mean all your best ideas should stay in your head.

Cloud storage app

Storing data is important for remote work. The right storage service gives you enough room to save all your data in real time across different devices. For collaborators, you want to choose a storage service that allows for multiple user access or one where you can share a custom link for others to have access. Travel bloggers especially need a lot of storage when on-the-go.

Project management app

Choosing the right project management app is important for remote work. Whether it’s a free or premium service, a project management app makes it easy to assign and monitor work progress. For small teams, choose apps that offer a wide range of free options and integrations with other popular apps like calendars, document applications, etc.

Internet data saver app

Working from home means you have to bear the internet bill on your own. While your employer might offer you allowances, installing apps that restrict internet data use to only important functions can help you manage your finances better.

Time management app

Remote work can feel like play unless you put in measures to keep you focused. Choosing the right time management app can help in this regard. Some apps like Toggl help you track time spent on particular apps. Others like Workflow let you add functional shortcuts to the home screen for easily completing tasks.

Ride-hailing app

Remote workers have to move around a lot. Rather than spending time by the road looking for a taxi, choose from ride-hailing apps like Uber, Lyft, and Careem. Ride-share apps also help telecommuters save money. Some ride-hailing apps offer auxiliary services like food and item delivery.

Food and package delivery app

When you are not cooking, ordering your foods using your favourite restaurant’s app can save you a lot of time, especially if you have a deadline to catch. Package delivery apps can help you deliver finished products to clients across the country without leaving your home.

Navigation app

Many people involved in telecommuting need to move around. While moving in a familiar neighbourhood is easy, having a navigation app can help you in foreign locations. Make use of Google Map or choose from the many android and iOS navigation apps to make sure you don’t spend time chasing shadows in a bid to find your clients.

Workout app

Telecommuting can give you a lot of flexibility. But if you find yourself exerting too much on your work or sitting for too long, install fitness apps that help you track your workout routine. Reminders and challenges on these apps can be exciting enough to keep you healthy while having fun.

Security app

Without access to secure company network, remote workers have to protect their devices and files from cyber-criminals. Installing and configuring the right anti-malware and antivirus applications will provide a line of defence against hackers. Many services offer cross-device capabilities so that one payment plan is enough to use on your smartphone and laptop. This includes a VPN to mask your IP address and shield you from online attackers.

Reading and gaming app

Whether it is on a news reader or an e-book app, taking breaks during work can save you from boredom. Lightweight games like Tetris can be fun as well as challenging at the same time.

Once in a while, though, just put the smartphone down and enjoy the wonders around you. Meet up with friends and family to share a real laugh, not en emoji!

Good luck.

Do you use WhatsApp for Business?

What are the best mobile apps for remote work?

Remote work has become important for many companies around the world due to Covid19. While there are many apps promising to help you work from home, budget constraints lead to the question: what are the best mobile apps for remote work? Here are 5 of them.


One of the best apps that gives you free email as well as free 15GB of storage service. You also get to collaborate with partners and clients on docs and sheets. There is a suite of Google products you can access, like Blogger, Meets, etc. You can create multiple Gmail accounts for different purposes.


Trello lets you manage your projects in short, easy steps. Easily assign activities to team members and leave comments following an intuitive interface.


Evernote lets you keep track of all your ideas, links, and online research. You can create folders to curate your ideas around specific topics.


This popular app makes it easy for remote workers to communicate with clients and colleagues. Slack is a virtual office where you can create specific channels for specific projects where only certain members of staff get to communicate.

WiFi Map

WiFi Map is especially important if you are on the road. It allows you to look for WiFi hotspots around the world for when you need to connect to the internet. With VPN and cellular data saver, you can be safe and economical at the same time.

All of the above mobile apps are either free or have extensive free versions. They are also available for android and iOS devices. If you are a freelancer or need an app for your work, many of these features could be enough for you remote work.

Do you think these mobile apps collect too much data?