Huawei moving on from Google

Huawei has indicated it’s looking forward to life without Google. Guo Ping, Huawei’s rotating chairman made his sentiments known in a meeting with the company’s staff.

A change in mindset

Ever since the United States made its position against Huawei, the Chinese company has been looking for a way to restore the status quo. Huawei had imagined a sustained effort at declaring its innocence while touting the impact of the US ban on global technology industry would make a difference. As recent decisions by the Trump administration has pointed out, though, America is not loosening its stnace.

For this reason, Huawei seems to have made a change in direction. Rather than wait for America to relent on its stance, the Chinese company is looking forward to a world where two systems exist side by side.

Huawei Mobile Services

Huawei now has about 600 users worldwide in its ecosystem. From smartphone users to consumer gadgets like TVs, Huawei now has a formidable market base to assert its own services. The Huawei Mobile Service is one such step.

In his statement to employees, Guo Ping indicated that Huawei helped make Google the market leader that it has become. With a large customer base such as Huawei’s, there is now a growing sentiment that it is time for the Chinese company to start out solo.

A huge gamble

As gambles go, Huawei’s move from the Android ecosystem is a huge one. While a large user base is promising for the tech company, it also represents a huge risk and an even bigger move to wean hundreds of millions of people off of a product they are used to.

As this Forbes article indicated, the software might be the least of problems Huawei would have to face. With access to American chips now removed by new US sanctions, Huawei would now have to start making its own parts to power its smartphones.

The challenge is not lost on the Chinese company, however. Guo Ping said in his remarks to employees that Huawei was taking the long road to success. “HMS must have a ‘Foolish Old Man Moving Mountain Spirit’,” the chairman told his audience. It remains to be seen if it would be a lonely old man moving the mountain when Huawei’s horde of America-made chipsets run out.

Image: Getty/AFP

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